Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I went to one of my doctors today. Not much to report yet - did some blood work to check the anemia, which is still ongoing, and to see if I am going through "the change"! I just don't see how that is possible - I couldn't possible be old enough for that!!!! These hot flashes MUST be due to something else!! Whatever they are due to, I hope it goes away soon. I am not sleeping at all at night, which is making recovery from my illness a little tough since I need a lot of rest! Hopefully this will all go away soon! My daughter and I had lunch today after my appointment and I enjoyed that.

I made a new friend today. I was reading my Quest magazine - a magazine for people with MD, which my disease is classified as. They have a section for penpals and there was a lady named Brenda, who is my age and has MG! Not that I am excited for her that she has the disease but it is nice to find someone my age who has the disease and understands what it is like. Even though this disease is different for everyone, it is nice to have someone who is going through some of the same things. We have corresponded by email and I feel like we will keep that up. It was a nice surprise in my day!

I start a new group tomorrow called HopeKeepers. It is a group I found for people with chronic illnesses. I think it is a national group but they have meetings here in Morgantown. I have spoken to one of the members and she is very nice - even offered to pick me up if I couldn't drive. They meet at a church right down the street from my house so it is really convenient. It is also a bible study, and I have been looking for one to join. This could be an answer to prayers. I am looking forward to meeting some new friends and growing in the Word!

All in all, it was a pretty good day! Really wiped out tonight so hope I sleep well but looking forward to another beautiful day tomorrow!!

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