Saturday, March 3, 2007


It has been a pretty good few days. I went to the HopeKeepers meeting Wednesday and really enjoyed it. I really didn't feel like going, had decideded NOT to go, but God kicked me out of my chair about 15 minutes before the meeting and made me go! I am glad He did and glad I listened to him. I met Debra and Barb and really enjoyed talking to them and getting to know them. I had dinner with Debra tonight and really enjoyed getting out and having some company!

I went to see my neurologist today. He is going to try to cut down on my prednisone a little. I am glad but at the same time, I get really nervous. Everytime we try to go down on the dosage, I start having trouble breathing. He is going to take it real slow so hopefully things will go well. It usually takes about 5 days or so before I can really tell if I am going to have problems. Hopefully not this time! I was supposed to be on this drug for about 3 weeks and it has been 10 years!!! Time to get off of it - the side-effects are horrible! Hopefully this is the time!!

I am really starting to feel at home more and more here in Morgantown and become more convinced everyday that I made the right decision in moving here. God really led me here, every step of the way. He is so awesome!! I am starting to make friends and feel like I really do have people who care - and who I care about! Even though I have friends in other places, it feels so good to start having friends here and feel like I belong! God's love is truly unbelievable!

~~Never Silent~~

A loving heart, a gentle smile, a warm and tender touch
We give so many things in life but nothing means as much.

A little inspiration when one loses hope,
A kind word of encouragement when they no longer seem to cope
A simple phrase, "I love you"when no one else is there
Taking hold onto a hand in a little heartfelt prayer.

Love is never silent. It has so much to say,
And it is our greatest blessing when we give it all away

Author Unknown


LisaC said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the HopeKeepers meeting. I just wanted to let you know, as the founder of HopeKeepers/Rest Ministries, I used to bawl before my own meetings I was leading.

I was wiped out, feeling totally inadequate, and just didn't know if I really wanted to sit around and talk about aches and pains.

Thankfully, I had a good friend to call who would pray for me... and I would listen to her and God and get there... I always left feeling completely refreshed. That reminds me of "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

Just wanted to say hi and let you know we're all in it together.

Lisa Copen

debbie said...

Thank you so much for your support. I have already made friends in Hopekeepers and I am so glad I found this group! It has already made a big difference in my life!