Not feeling great today. Tried to go to church - actually did go but had to leave. My eyes started to shut on me. They haven't done that in a while but I could feel it coming. They are open somewhat now but not all the way and I just in general feel tired. I was very disappointed and discouraged because I really wanted to go. I met Debra and her husband Don there and church had just started when I could feel it coming on. Debra was very sweet - came out and prayed for me and then called me after church to check on me. At least I know I have a friend here now!
But even when things seem to be at their worst, God is always there. I was searching the internet for devotions and came across this one which I feel couldn't be more appropriate for today - or my life in general! God truly is awesome!
What’s normal?
By John Fischer
“Grace must wound before it can heal.” — Flannery O’Conner
There are two schools of thought when it comes to the problem of pain. One says: “Sometimes the going will get tough, and in those times you need to remember that your faith will get you through and something good will come out of hardship. Hang in there, this will soon be over.” The other would be: “Get use to it. Pain, suffering, and hardship are necessary for growth. They will be constant companions to those who desire to know and love God deeply. Get ready for the long haul. If you’re feeling good and life is relatively painless, that’s the abnormal experience, not the norm. Enjoy it, but don’t expect it.”
These perspectives present what appears to be subtle differences, when, in fact, they have huge ramifications for the follower of Christ. One says that suffering is a glitch on the spiritual map, a storm one can weather, a malfunction easily corrected with a certain degree of patience and determination. This perspective believes that there exists a “normal” state for a believer that is relatively comfortable and risk-free. But in reality, this perspective is unbiblical and actually lines up more with a culture that treats discomfort as something we deserve to have alleviated. Multi-billion dollar industries are dedicated to creating and maintaining this myth, and convincing us all that the good life is attainable with, of course, the help of the product being touted. In other words, “normal” is just around the corner.
The other perspective is much more in keeping with reality and the belief that our real purposes go way beyond this life and this present darkness. It is a perspective that expects hardship and pain to be a part of the day-to-day program. If we are waiting for anything, we are waiting for eternity with Christ, not for everything to get better here on earth. We have learned that trials are such an integral part of our growing life in Christ that we even welcome trouble when it comes our way, because we know that by it, our faith is found worthy of being tested and our endurance will have a chance to grow (James 1:2-3).
This is not about being pessimistic. It’s about being realistic and learning how to find joy in the midst of even the most difficult things. Getting “normal” right is half the battle.
“God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith. As a result, I can really know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I can learn what it means to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that, somehow, I can experience the resurrection from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10-11 NLT)
Through all my illness, I truly know that God is with me!